Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The cost of keeping Singapore squeaky clean

    Singapore maintains its state of cleanliness through fines, public education, and an army of low-paid cleaners. Fifty years ago, the Keep Singapore Clean campaign was the first time the government used fines as a method of social control. Now that the city is wealthier, the fines aren’t as effective. Singaporeans rely on cleaners to do the majority of the work.

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  • In an Indiana river cleanup, businesses and environmentalists cooperate

    The Grand Calumet River in Indiana was once infamous for its levels of pollution and contamination. Although it didn't happen overnight, the introduction of the Clean Water Act led to collaborative efforts to divide and clean the river which was key to restoring the body of water and now serves as a model for other areas facing similar water pollution issues.

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  • After speaking out against Harvey Weinstein, two actresses join forces to protect others in Hollywood

    Created by three actors who are sexual assault survivors, Voices In Action is a secure and private system to report abuse. Those that report abuse can be connected to legal representation through the site as well as receive notification if a report is made against their abuser.

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  • Farming together reaps benefits for Mubende family

    A new variety of bean is helping local farmers find financial stability and food security in Mubende, Uganda. Both drought and disease resistant, the beans are able to be cooked quickly which reduces fuel costs and have a higher rate of market distribution due to these benefits.

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  • Mexicans shower the caravan with kindness — and tarps, tortillas and medicine

    A small Mexican town called Pijijiapan is embracing the recent migrant crisis with open arms. When they heard that a caravan of migrants was passing through soon, the entire community pitched in to welcome them with fresh food, medicine, clothes, toys, and kindness. Residents say that they are motivated by the Catholic idea of charity and that they understand the circumstances that many migrants are fleeing.

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  • The Inside Story of How India Eliminated Polio

    India was declared polio-free in 2014 after several years of work by health staff who traveled across the country to distribute the vaccine. One key part of the strategy included efforts by the government to recruit and mobilize volunteers from across the country to assist health care workers in locating the children who needed the vaccine and building trust with their caregivers.

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  • Community building: Chicago experiment links libraries and apartments

    When a need for more libraries and more affordable housing arose in Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel pursued a plan to combine the two. The result is a partnership between the Chicago Housing Authority and the Chicago Public Library system. Despite some concern among neighborhood residents, the solution is largely seen as a creative approach as well as a creative use of funding and land space. Mixed-use developments are becoming more popular around the world, and this next iteration will benefit many types of Chicago residents.

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  • A movement for police accountability is on Nashville's November ballot

    The killing of Jocques Clemmons, an unarmed black man that was shot by a white officer in Tennessee, became the catalyst that spurred a community to action. A community oversight board would be in charge of investigating police misconduct by the MNPD. Grassroots organizers, activists, and residents fulfilled the 4,000 signatures needed for a referendum vote on the board, and if approved would join a growing movement that is trying to address police shootings of unarmed black men. “More than 200 cities already have boards in place with varying degrees of success.”

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  • How Communities of Practice Make a Difference in Middle Neighborhoods

    Community development groups are working closely with "middle neighborhoods" - areas "that aren't distressed today, but they may become so sooner than anyone expects." From Cleveland to Milwaukee to Chicago, CDCs are improving the lives of long term homeowners and helping interested parties generate the capital to move into these neighborhoods: “You're investing to a place that is on the edge, still has assets, still has people who want to be there, but need a nudge to get over the top, versus investing 60 homes in a non-functioning market."

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  • This program wants to build a new tech workforce in West Virginia

    Generation West Virginia, a nonprofit created “to support opportunities for young people to build up their own careers and the economy in the state overall,” has expanded its programming. Its newest initiative is a tech training school to create a larger tech pipeline in the state, connect young people to tech jobs, and incentivize those young people to stay. The initiative, called NewForce, will succeed based on the strength of its partnerships. Partners will help cover tuition costs and be ready to recruit graduates for jobs.

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