Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Post-conflict therapy in the DRC could halt the descent back into violence

    The Congolese organization Living Peace Institute is working to heal the psychological trauma caused by the civil war fought from 1998 to 2003 which left millions dead. This work includes group therapy sessions, destigmatizing trauma, and an examination of harmful gender roles.

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  • Malawi Plants 60 Million Trees This Year Alone

    Malawi ranks fourth in the world for deforestation rates, but the country is on a pathway to making a dent in recovery thanks to community and government efforts. In just one rainy season alone, running from December to April, the country has managed to plant 60 million tree seedlings and is showing no signs of slowing down. Designated as forestry season by the government, this initiative has helped spur a national planting movement from various entities including a hydroelectric power plant and singular individuals.

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  • The Unlikely Upside of Cape Town's Drought

    When faced with the dire likelihood that the city would run entirely out of water, Cape Town communities responded by looking at the challenge with resiliency, rather than complacency or inconvenience. Though not without limitations, those that were able to implement a perspective shift created a social shift that allowed for greater communal efforts and resulted in successful water conservation, including a 40% city-wide decrease in water use.

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  • The peace talks with a difference

    In the People's Peace Talks, ordinary people from Israel and Palestine come together for five hours in a room to reach a peace agreement, without the presence of politicians. With no communication between the two governments, one academic is trying a new tactic by engaging the public in the negotiation process. Despite some shortcomings of a simulation, the ideas generated may be part of a real solution in the future.

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  • Can Dirt Save the Earth? Audio icon

    One tactic for combatting climate change has to do with soil health. Soil can withdraw and store carbon from the atmosphere—at a higher rate when covered by manure—and also supports long-term soil sustainability and saves farmers money. Because agriculture already consumes much of the world's surface, proponents of carbon farming envision a world where large swathes of land act as a carbon sink. Potential drawbacks and things left to explore include how to produce compost without creating more energy than it saves and how to use cows effectively when they also contribute much of the carbon in the atmosphere.

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  • Mosul: Overcoming the trauma of IS rule, one haircut at a time

    In a post-war Iraq, a salon has become a gathering place for women to share their stories of trauma, and heal. “The salon is necessary. For women to continue, they need it. Women must have it.”

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  • There's a New 12-Step Group: Medication-Assisted Recovery Anonymous

    Medication-Assisted Recovery Anonymous is a new 12-step group for people in recovery while taking prescribed methadone or suboxone. While many Narcotics Anonymous chapters stigmatize or dismiss people in medication-assisted recovery, MARA provides a place for community and peer support.

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  • A New Adjustment

    When choosing an industry to work in, cultural and familial pressures may play a role, especially around the field of mental health. When this proved true for a handful of international students at the University of Oregon, they joined together to form International Community Voices, a peer support group that addresses cultural barriers on college campuses.

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  • The Posse Foundation

    Jill Harkins writes, "As the research shows, it’s not enough to get students into college. We need to also get them through college, and into jobs." The Posse Foundation recruits driven and accomplished low-income students to attend partner colleges in 10-person cohorts, a model that the Foundation believes offers a built-in support system that may prevent students from dropping out when facing the stressors of a new and challenging environment. And that is just the beginning - the Foundation continues to provide students with support and career advice through and after graduation.

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  • A Year Later, Fewer Deportations in Cities That Adopted “Welcoming” Policies

    In the state of New Mexico, policy makers, activists, religious leaders, and the community are all working hand in hand to make the state a safe harbor for undocumented immigrants. The state is refusing to cooperate with ICE and aside from California is one of the most friendly to immigrants. A community organizer says, “We wanted to push back against this narrative that ICE just gets to come in our communities and kidnap people from their homes.”

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