Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'Farming While Black': A Guide To Finding Power And Dignity Through Food

    Many sustainable farming practices originate from African roots, yet the industry in the United States is largely dominated by people who are white. Leah Penniman, an African American farmer based in a food desert in New York, saw the need to change this and began teaching her neighbors growing techniques and management practices, while also addressing social issues such as racism and food access.

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  • The New Mexican Revolution? Women-Only Workplaces

    Mi, Co-Madre, and Spacioss are all women-only working spaces in Mexico city. Together, around 400 women have attended these spaces. The aim of these coworking spaces is to provide support for females and help them success by giving them access to childcare facilities, workshops, and networking opportunities. They also hope to help more women successfully secure venture funding, and become industry leaders, who lag behind men. We want to have this space to support each other, from self-esteem through to connecting with banks supporting women starting a business.”

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  • In Sacramento, trying to stop a killing before it happens

    Sacramento is implementing a program developed in 2011 in Richmond, Calif., that showed success curtailing gun violence among young men caught up in gangs or potential shootings. They get numerous social services and mentoring from men previously incarcerated. Stipends are a controversial part of the program, but a review of the Richmond program in 2015 found most participants were still alive and had not suffered a gun related injury, or been arrested for gun-related activity.

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  • Resistance in the Heartland: Fighting ICE in Small-Town Iowa and Nebraska

    Inter-ethnic organizations and grassroots communities can quickly channel resources and support to families and communities devastated by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids. In Mount Pleasant, Iowa, a network of immigrant groups have stepped in to provide legal and financial assistance, as well as family support, to the local Latinx community. The groups include IowaWINS, an organization that originally operated in support of Syrian immigrants.

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  • Is There A Cure For Hate?

    Organizations working to turn people away from violent hate groups have found some success with holistic approaches that include wrap-around services and acknowledging how people get caught up in racist ideology. But finding what works is challenging because so few resources and attention are directed to domestic hate groups. Scaling successful efforts is also difficult because they often involve building personal relationships to help people rediscover their humanity and compassion.

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  • Are terrorists beyond reform? Malaysia is gambling they aren't

    Malaysia’s extremist rehabilitation team helps former terrorists reintegrate into society by becoming their friends and treating them with dignity. The unusual approach seems to be working. “A lot of the time they just need someone to talk to face-to-face, to make them feel like a person again,” said rehabilitation team member Ahmad El-Muhammady of his work.

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  • 'Sober bar' helps keep people on road to recovery after life of drugs

    The Spiritual Soldier Coffee Compound in Windsor, Ontario encourages those formerly addicted to drugs to stay clean, all while offering a place to socialize with others. The owners, both of whom had struggled with addiction themselves, hope that this sober bar can act as a "safe haven" for community members that are working to stay sober.

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  • Could you float for four hours? Drowning prevention program saves kids

    Thailand's Surat Thani province, consists of more than 100 waterways making drowning a very real concern – especially for children – but strategic preventions have resulted in no child drownings in the last two years. Children as young as two are taught water safety tactics and eventually are trained how to float for up to four hours to survive.

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  • Sit in a circle. Talk to other pregnant women. Save your baby's life?

    In South Carolina, doctors are scaling programs based off of CenteringPregnancy, an initiative that uses group doctor appoints to better infant health and decrease infant mortality. Research shows that providing prenatal care in a group setting helps to build a sense of community and reduce stress among women who might not have stability during their pregnancy otherwise.

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  • For farmers, talking about mental health used to be taboo. Now there's #AgTwitter

    Farmers are using the hashtag #agtwitter to discuss mental health challenges, provide information about resources, and organize offline support. In areas of the country where studies consistently show mental health resources are scarce and suicide rates high, twitter provides a space for peer-to-peer support.

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