Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Re-usable Sanitary Pads Are Curbing High Drop-out Rates In Disadvantaged Communities

    Lack of access to menstrual products contributes to the high drop rates among girls between primary and secondary school. A collaboration between civil society and government organizations created the Menstrual Health Component for Primary Schools Project to educate both girls and boys, as well as providing girls with a menstrual health kit that includes reusable pads and a menstrual cup as well as a container to clean them. Over 500 students participated in the program in September 2021 with participants feeling empowered to be able to stay in school.

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  • Police Say Jiu-jitsu Can Make Them Less Violent During Arrests

    Police recruits in Marietta since 2019 have been required to be trained in the martial art of jiu-jitsu before they can go on patrol. Many officers stick with the training, and many other police departments are copying Marietta's policies. Supporters argue that jiu-jitsu, which involves no kicking or hitting, gives officers greater control and confidence in confrontations with potentially violent people. That, they claim, will lead to fewer uses of deadly force or Tasers. Marietta data shows that fewer officers have been injured, but members of the public get injured at about the same rate.

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  • Morgan County High School Teacher Implements Sustainability into Agriculture Curriculum

    A high school agriculture teacher in Georgia implements sustainable agriculture into her classes through farm visits, lectures, and student application to reach all types of learners.

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  • Co-op restaurants: pipe-dream or practical solution?

    Worker-owned cooperative restaurants are giving employees ownership of, and a voice in, their workplace while removing the single-person dependency of the traditional restaurant structure.

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  • 'It's our stuff': consumers wage right-to-repair revolution

    In the recent years, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission voted to restore consumers' "right to repair" their products and 27 states have introduced repair bills. This policy push has encouraged a growing number of independent repair shops and workshops that enable consumers to fix their products safely and effectively. Together, they're leading to a reduction in both electronic waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

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  • In the San Luis Valley, a small town is using civic engagement to improve lives

    The Family Leadership Training Institute of Colorado is a community-driven collaborative aimed at increasing civic participation and collaboration between diverse stakeholders. The 20-week program focuses on cultivating leadership skills and teaching participants how to use their voice to advocate in their community's interests. Participants are able to develop a plan for civic engagement and receive help instituting it, including connections among government agencies. Program graduates have designed programming to strengthen their communities and started businesses with social goals.

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  • Youth Aging Out of Foster Care Find Support in Montrose

    CASA serves children and families who have experienced abuse and neglect. The nonprofit owns an 8-unit residence for youth 18-24 who have aged out of the foster care system or are at risk for becoming homeless. The home provides a safe and supportive option where youth can transition to adulthood and have access to help navigating systems, like education and employment. The organization has begun to provide mental health care services as well, with two therapists on staff. The rent is subsidized by the government, which makes it a more affordable option, and additional residences are being planned.

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  • Why bother? Greater Cleveland's youth rise to the task of local civic engagement

    Cleveland high school students created, a website that centralizes information about local elections. A political alignment survey on the site assesses users’ opinions on important political issues to match them with local candidates. The group focuses outreach on drop-off voters, people who reliably vote in national elections but not local ones. These voters tend to be younger, on average, and cite a lack of information about local candidates and issues as the main reason for not voting. After creating the website, the group got a grant from Cleveland Votes to continue engaging young voters.

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  • California outlawed the all-white-male boardroom. That move is reshaping corporate America

    A 2018 law requires all publicly traded companies headquartered in California have at least one woman on their board, and as many as three women by the end of 2021 depending on the company’s size. The law, inspired by those in Europe, caused a ripple effect nationwide where women now occupy 50% more corporate board seats than before California’s law. The Nasdaq exchange became an influential force recently by requiring that nearly all of its listed companies’ boards have one woman and one person of color or a person who identifies as LGBTQ. Despite challenges, federal regulators approved the requirement.

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  • Narrow escape from the cut of creed

    Maria Adelaide Rescue Centre shelters girls who are escaping the practice of female genital mutilation and early marriage. The girls, who often have harrowing stories of escape, are provided a safe place to live and go to school. If possible, the Centre will work with village chiefs and family members to ensure the girls are protected and are able to get an education. The Center follows up and monitors girls’ progress and also educates community members on the dangers of FGM and child marriage.

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