Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Teton County shows promise in paying off 'education debt' Audio icon

    Schools in Teton County are successfully addressing the achievement gap between English language learners, kids who don't have a strong grasp on English, and white students by taking a holistic approach. In order to improve graduation rates among ELL students, teachers, and administrators are focused on early interventions like additional lessons, and a funding model that offers more flexibility for the school's resource allocation. “If all of our students don’t feel connected to school culturally, it doesn’t matter what you do, they won’t do well.”

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  • Why So Many Police Are Handling the Protests Wrong

    Half a century of research showing the dynamics of how protesters and police interact under pressure teaches that when police respond with escalating force, it doesn’t work. But police continue to lean on such tactics out of instinct and culture, even in the face of strong evidence that they often instigate the very riots they ostensibly seek to prevent. Defusing tension is no simple matter, and officer safety concerns are often legitimate. But much can be learned from common mistakes and from some model strategies that have been deployed successfully.

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  • A turnaround school on the rise sees progress halted by the pandemic

    When the John Q. Adams Middle School in Louisiana received a D rating, a new principal stepped in to restructure and address the ongoing issues with staff and students and was seeing success—but that changed when the pandemic hit and the school was unable to shift to remote learning. Progress started by holding one-on-one sessions with all staff and administrators at the school, tidying up the campus, and by approaching school discipline with a perspective that is conducive to long-term positive change.

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  • Thousands of Complaints Do Little to Change Police Ways

    Derek Chauvin's journey through the Minneapolis Police Department’s officer-disciplinary system illustrates the weaknesses of that system and the failure of efforts to fix it. Chauvin, the officer charged in the death of George Floyd, survived at least 17 misconduct complaints before he was fired for killing Floyd by kneeling on his neck. Critics charge the department never complied with recommendations by federal analysts to improve the tracking and disciplining of problem officers. That and other administrative failures are coupled with political and cultural barriers to neuter many reform ideas.

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  • Before George Floyd's Death, Minneapolis Police Failed to Adopt Reforms, Remove Bad Officers

    The Minneapolis Police Department’s repeated failures to reform a broken police-discipline system underscore the lack of public trust that exploded in local and nationwide protests after an officer with a troubled record killed a handcuffed suspect. An analysis of police-reform efforts in the city, and statewide, show how vows to do better have been undermined by official reluctance to remove bad officers from duty, either through administrative or legislative failure. Among the unaddressed problems: a "coaching" system that allows officers to avoid suspension but is riddled with problems.

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  • As the coronavirus pandemic strains supplies, Native Americans fight food insecurity Audio icon

    As a response to the way in which the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted food supply chains, especially in remote parts of the Navajo Nation, the new “Seeds and Sheep” program is mailing seeds to families so they can grow food for themselves and their community. The nonprofit running the program, Utah Diné Bikéyah, has connected with over 300 families so far. It is part of a larger trend of Native efforts to provide agricultural education, teach people to grow culturally relevant food, and reduce food insecurity.

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  • How Detroit Gets People Around During a Pandemic

    The city of Detroit’s government spearheaded new partnerships at the start of the coronavirus pandemic to provide transit options for people living in city shelters and residents who don’t have cars to access COVID-19 testing. These partnerships among government departments allowed for transporting those experiencing homelessness to designated emergency shelters and hospitals to prevent the spread of the virus among shelter residents. Government officials anticipated as many as 450 shelter residents would contract the virus, but so far, only 154 people have tested positive with no deaths reported.

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  • In quarantine at Gallup hotels

    In Gallup, New Mexico hotels are being used to house those who have been exposed to COVID-19, but have nowhere to safely quarantine themselves. This effort compliments "an aggressive tracing and testing program," and so far has housed around 120 people. Doctors are also working out of the hotels to provide medical attention to those who may need it.

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  • Formerly Incarcerated Women Launch Worker-Owned Food Business During COVID-19

    ChiFresh Kitchen is a worker-owned cooperative that gives formerly incarcerated people an income, and a second chance, under a corporate structure that attacks high unemployment from the ground up. Formed as a catering business on Chicago's West Side just as the pandemic shutdown began, ChiFresh shifted its intended clientele from nursing homes and schools to food-relief programs distributing free meals. The co-op, initially formed by mostly black women with hopes of scaling up to about 100 worker-owners, echoes the sorts of enterprises formed in response to Jim Crow restrictions of the past.

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  • A Virtual Landscape-Architecture Camp Introduces Girls to Careers They Didn't Even Know Existed

    An Indiana-based architect started a virtual camp for elementary school-aged girls focused on the lesser-known field of landscape architecture. The weekly virtual lessons work by explaining the career and concepts of landscape architecture through fun relatable activities, and feature lectures from women working in the field. The architect leading the camp hopes the camp will engage young girls to participate in their community and introduce them to a potential career, one which is in need of more diverse perspectives.

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