Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • After Decades of Reform, Has Chicago Finally Learned How to Fix Education?

    In 2017, researchers found that Chicago elementary and middle school students were improving their test scores at a faster pace than almost all of their peers nationwide. Reflecting on this surprising statistic and lessons learned from 30 years of education reform experimentation, CPS points to its emphasis on high quality principal development and teacher mentoring programs as one of the most crucial factors in the turnaround.

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  • Community works to help children overcome trauma

    Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), have long-term effects on children as they grow up, and children with high ACEs scores often experience serious mental health problems. In Stark County, Ohio, the Stark County Family Council's Trauma and Resiliency Committee works with schools, educators, and children with ACEs to help lower suicide and crime rates among these adolescents.

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  • New York City Welcomes Refugees Into Its Kitchens

    In New York City, restaurants and non-profits are working to "empower and employ" refugees. Although refugee cooking may seem like a short-lived "trend," the grassroots efforts of organizers and advocates are also being supplemented by companies and like-minded businesses.

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  • The People Behind Your Tech Addiction Are Now Trying to Curb It

    Teaching people about the harmful impacts of social media and tech addiction are a crucial first step in mitigating its consequences. The Center for Human Technology (CHT) has partnered with Common Sense Media to launch the Truth About Tech campaign, which calls for a shift in values surrounding technology and tech companies. The organizations accomplish this through a curricula designed to teach awareness and mindfulness about tech use beginning at an early age. By high school, students are introduced to ethical design principles.

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  • Dementia program in Peel 'should spread like wildfire'

    Dementia units and long-term care homes for the elderly are often desolate and lonely places, with harried workers attempting to meet the needs of their patients while also meeting government-set metrics of success. For families and individuals, it can be difficult to imagine a better way. However, a pilot program in Canada called the Butterfly room is showing that dedicated efforts to making long-term care homes a vibrant and loving place for someone's last days has positive impacts for everyone - and is worth a government investment do right across the country.

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  • The doctor from Myanmar faced with 1 million patients and a plague of rats

    A doctor faced with a public health crisis in his remote Myanmar village called on an UK organization to help him enact a solution. Rather than trying to treat hundreds of patients a day, the doctor started a local branch of Health and Hope to train a man and a women from each small village in his region. Now, residents of these villages don't have to die from treatable diseases because a local health expert is nearby.

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  • Opportunity for Refugees, Nourishment for New Yorkers

    In New York, non-profits like Eat Offbeat, Emma's Torch, United Tastes of America, and more are working to connect American-born citizens with refugees from other countries, using food as a way to spark conversation while also providing employment and job training opportunities. So far, these organizations have helped welcome refugees while also creating cultural awareness.

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  • In Italy, how one cooperative is trying to counter the Mafia's influence

    A cooperative in Italy has repurposed land once owned by the Mafia to produce pasta and organic vegetables, and its employees are using this land to reclaim their lives. Beyond the Dreams’ provides meaningful work for former prisoners, mental patients, and addicts, who cultivate these agricultural products. The revitalization of the ruined land and employment opportunities deliver symbolic blows to organized crime.

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  • Basic income could work—if you do it Canada-style

    In Lindsay, Ontario, the provincial government is funding a pilot for a universal basic income that provides monthly stipends to those who are facing poverty to help boost them to at least 75 percent of the poverty line. Although the longterm benefits and costs are yet to be seen, so far participants have reported that it has acted as "a social equalizer, a recognition that people who make little or no money are often doing things that are socially valuable."

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  • Youth prisons are standing empty, but are a huge opportunity

    Across the country municipalities are repurposing former juvenile detention centers as juvenile incarceration rates have declined and remaking them as places of healing. Each community is different in its approach, with some even knocking down the buildings to start anew, but the Urban Institute found that successful transitions had several core strategies in common, including seeking input from local community members and from those who had been incarcerated in the facilities.

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