Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Farmers staring at losses after India shuts door to ‘ndengu'

    An initiative in Kenya showed major promise in pulling farmers out of poverty by supplying them with subsidized seeds to grow green grams, ndengu, for overseas markets. The success of the idea relied heavily on a promise by the prime minister of India to buy the entire crop, which triggered a series of steps to help the farmers grow grams and export them. But despite a bumper harvest, India banned importation of the crop to help its own farmers, leaving Kenyan officials to look at other options.

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  • BNFB Project: Scaling up biofortified crops for nutrition security

    Community members, especially children, in Tanzania are facing a public health crisis in the form of a vitamin A deficiency. With research indicating that biofortified crops such as sweet potatoes are a viable solution to combating this issue, government institutions and agriculture research organizations are teaming up to promote the methods to increase production of biofortified crops.

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  • Cooperative agroforestry empowers indigenous women in Honduras

    Restoring biodiversity to agricultural land improves food security and helps to sequester carbon. In Honduras, the revival of indigenous agroforestry techniques includes the use shade-grown organic coffee, grown alongside fruit-producing trees and other useful crops. Cosagual Lenca, an all-female cooperative of coffee growers, works to introduce and popularize the techniques.

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  • Innovative Greenhouses Help Farmers Adapt to Climate Change

    In India, 15 farmers are piloting a program that utilizes greenhouses to grow crops that would otherwise perish in the unpredictable climate. The income generated from this capability is allowing families to pay for their children's education. In addition, women are being given opportunities to play a part in the agricultural success through training and networking.

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  • Farmers in Some of the Toughest Places to Do Agriculture Are the Ones Innovating for Climate Change

    It's not easy sustaining historical agricultural practices amidst a backdrop of climate change. Nate McCaffrey of eastern Colorado knows this all too well. So, instead of continuing the conventional ways of farming he had grown up to know, he decided to try out a no-till farming approach, and then went a step further and planted cover crops. Although not without its limitations, this switch in both mindset and practice has allowed him to cultivate healthier soil and save on fuel costs previously allocated towards his old tilling machinery.

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  • Wheat in heat: the 'crazy idea' that could combat food insecurity

    After many years of attempts, scientists have discovered how to create a heat tolerant wheat that has the potential of impacting the growing concerns around food insecurity. Tested in sub-Saharan temperatures in Senegal, the International Centre for Research in the Dry Areas (Icarda) have seen success with their strain of wheat that turns this formerly cold-weather only crop into a fast-growing crop that can withstand 40C temperatures and be grown in the between seasons of planting rice crops.

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  • Chocolate and agroforestry accelerate in El Salvador

    Agroforestry has become a powerful tool in El Salvador communities and is helping farmers grow crops they otherwise wouldn't be able to. The practices which has played a major role in bringing cacao back to the region, is also beneficial for the climante and ecosystem.

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  • Malawian Farmers Fight Climate Change Head On

    While climate change continues to complicate the realities of creating seasonal viable crops, farmers in Malawi are adopting conservation agriculture in at attempt to salvage what they can from their crops. Through a variety of "climate change resilience farming methods," local farmers have seen an increase in their crops' resiliency.

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  • 'I used to see them as a bunch of rioters': Brazil's radical farmers

    In Brazil, 45% of agriculturally viable land is owned by 1% of tenants. To combat this inequitable ratio, the Landless Workers’ Movement formed and took a stand for seizing lands that are "not fulfilling a productive or social use." The group successfully reclaimed an area known as Mario Lago and has since begun a reforestation process alongside agroforestry which has allowed for an increase in diversity of food produced. The farmers haven't stopped there, however. To sell their produce, they have implemented a system of turning the consumer into a co-producer thus ensuring economic stability.

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  • With kids' health suffering, one Guatemalan town is trying to adapt to climate change.

    With climate change warming agriculture lands, many communities are losing ground for farming. In one Guatemalan indigenous community, this resulted in many children becoming malnourished. The community rallied together to make changes that included taking advantage of the warmer weather and learning new techniques for diversifying their crops and conserving water.

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