Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Hundreds of Companies Promised to Help Save Forests. Did They?

    About 80 percent of tropical deforestation in South America and Southeast Asia is caused by large corporations clear-cutting natural forests to graze cattle or grow crops like cocoa, palm oil, and soybeans that are turned into chocolate, processed food and cosmetics, and animal feed. Ten years ago, some of the largest offenders, including Coca-Cola, Kellogg’s, Walmart, and Mars, vowed to clean up their act. With a few exceptions, however, their efforts have failed. This article explores what's worked, what hasn't, and why.

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  • How Bangladesh is beating the odds on climate disaster deaths

    In 1970 Cyclone Bhola hit Bangladesh. It killed up to 500,000 people. Since then, the country has revamped its emergency disaster preparedness through a multipronged process, reducing its cyclone-related deaths by 100 fold. Now, the country collects weather data from more than 50 weather stations. The data is sent to mitigation committees which dispense the info to people through various methods: radio, text messages, and even doorknocking. The country also has a volunteer program with 76,000 volunteers and increased the number of multi-purpose shelters from 44 in 1970 to 512 in 1991.

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  • How Abuja farmers use organic pesticides, disease control to reduce climate change effects

    In Nigeria, climate change has led to food scarcity causing some farmers in rural Abuja communities to adopt sustainable agricultural practices. Also known as smart agriculture it encompasses things like reducing pesticide use, using extracts from neem plants, and using warm castings as a fertilizer. Farmers say the practice has improved the soil, increasing water retention, and sequestered carbon.

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  • Tidal energy could be huge – why isn't it?

    Tidal power is a form of renewable energy that is caused when wind turbines are placed on the sea floor. These powerful turbines harness the power of tides and could capture enough energy to power all the homes in the U.S. Tidal Range Plants have been installed in countries like France, South Korea, Canada, and China. Despite their power, they require a lot of money to install and have mostly been installed in wealthy countries in the Global North.

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  • Why you don't hear about the ozone layer anymore

    In 1987 ozone levels above Antartica had dropped by fifty percent. Scientists convened to discover the cause and found it was being depleted due to a chemical called chloroflourinecarbons commonly found in aerosol cans. In order to tackle the problem, scientists and leaders created public conferences to inform the public. The conferences created public pressure on world leaders to act and eventually led to the "Montreal Protocol," which called for the phasing out of CFC's. By 1989 consumption of CFC's plummeted. The ozone started healing and by 2065 is expected to completely recover.

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  • New York City Is Building a Wall of Oysters to Fend Off Floods

    From New York City to Texas, localities are using oysters to protect themselves from flooding. They are dropping oysters along the coast for baby oysters to grown on, ultimately leading to the creation of wall-like reefs. The oyster reefs mitigate the blow of big waves during hurricanes. A study showed that reef-protected areas dissipated waves and had 54% less erosion. Building oyster reefs form part of a larger movement known as "green infrastructure" to manage the effects of climate change, as opposed to building concrete infrastructure like sea walls and dikes.

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  • Queering Climate Activism

    Queer activists and organizers are centering their identity in the environmental justice movement. They form part of a growing movement that doesn't exclude their queer identity in the fight against climate change. Some examples of this work include "Queer Nature," a community where queer people can reconnect with nature. Another example is the "Queer Ecojustice Project," which addresses how queer perspectives were ignored by the environmental movement. This article presents several other examples of the intersection of queer identity with the environmental movement.

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  • Want to Solve Wildfires and Drought? Leave it to BEAVERS!

    Beavers can be a tool in the fight against climate change. The dams that beavers build have multiple benefits for the environment. Studies show that beaver complexes are greener. They store so much water in the soil and plants that they act like an underground irrigation system. Studies also show that fires in an area with streams without beavers burn three times more intensely that those with beavers. Beaver habits are so successful, that scientist are replicating their damns to mitigate the effects of climate change.

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  • Another Challenge for Conservation Efforts: Gender Inequity

    In the environmental sector there is still rampant sexism, women find it difficult to enter leadership positions and face discrimination, according to a six-author study. However, the study also shows that when women are in leadership positions factors that indicate success go up. Women are more likely to say yes to new conservation projects and are more willing to compromise. Case studies from the Maite Marine Sanctuary to the Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation show that women in leadership positions are succesful.

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  • Can 'the people' solve climate change? France decided to find out.

    In order to cut carbon emissions in France, President Emmanuel Macron created an assembly of 150 randomly selected citizens. The citizens "convention on climate" met and deliberated for months before releasing 149 proposals on how the government should address climate change. Although only 10 made it into law without being altered, and 36 others were included form, the final legislation was one of the most comprehensive passed in the history of the country. The recommendations also garnered conversations and inspired the creation of other assemblies.

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