Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Saving and protecting peatlands in Indonesia

    The degradation of peatlands is a public health and climate change issue. Organizations in Indonesia are working to understand these wetlands better by mapping the location of them throughout the country and around the world. By creating a comprehensive picture of peatlands, which contribute up to 10 percent of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, key partners can understand how to prevent carbon emitting from the wetlands into the atmosphere.

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  • Coronavirus shows how to fight disinformation about climate change

    What lessons does the United States' response to the coronavirus offer for the country's response to climate change? According to experts, governments and the media have been successful at presenting the virus as a real threat by emphasizing its urgency, empowering people by telling them what they can do, debunking conspiracy theories, and employing other strategies to delegitimize misinformation.

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  • Here comes the sun canoe, as Amazonians take on Big Oil

    The Kara Solar Foundation is looking to connect indigenous communities in Achuar territory in Ecuador to learn about solar power as an alternative to oil. By building solar-powered canoes, they can replace vessels that burn fossil fuels into the atmosphere. While the two boats in operation have run into technical problems, the intercultural training programs are instructing Achuar people on how to fix the technology. “Sustained and truly intercultural collaborations can create technological solutions that serve indigenous communities, rather than destroying them,” says Oliver Utne, the foundation's founder.

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  • New Certification Helps Brands Communicate Their Commitment to the Environment

    Climate Neutral, a San Francisco-based nonprofit, is creating a brand label that identifies companies that are offsetting and reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. Companies can purchase carbon offsets, where they can balance out their own greenhouse gas emissions by investing in other environmental projects around the world. While some experts encourage businesses to reduce their own carbon footprint first, purchasing offsets could be a good step toward introducing more sustainable practices.

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  • Pour It On: How Dutch Cities Are Soaking up Rain and Reducing Flooding

    A green roof initiative is one of the projects Rotterdam, a city in the Netherlands, is working on to capture and store more rainwater; a solution that might work in Louisiana. With heavier rains and more intense storms due to climate change in both places, the amount of rainfall coming down can overwhelm drainage systems. Although the price tag can be high to build these green roofs, Rotterdam boasts 100 acres of green roofs that have increased the city’s water storage capacity by about 1.6 million gallons.

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  • London's Trees Are Saving the City Billions

    A recent study on London's trees revealed benefits far beyond city beautification. The report found that trees saved the city billions of pounds in air cooling, air purification, carbon sequestration. The report also found trees brought workers increased productivity.

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  • The Dutch are giving rising rivers more room. Should we follow suit?

    The Dutch government bought out and relocated 200 households in high-risk areas as a way to create more space for rising water levels instead of building bigger levees. The program is called Room for the River, and more than 60,000 people now have much lower flood risk. The program also built new roads, bridges, and pumping stations, one of which doubles as a wildlife-watching tower. This, along with the green spaces, bike paths, and plazas, is credited for building public approval for the project.

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  • Energy efficient homes mean less air pollution. But are they affordable?

    To reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and air pollution, Habitat for Humanity Salt Lake Valley is building airtight homes that will also reduce energy costs and be affordable for people experiencing economic hardship. The home are largely being built by volunteers, so the process has been slow and there have been mistakes in building the homes. However, the homes are estimated to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 4.9 tons a year.

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  • How the Dutch Are Building Coastal Protection for Less — With Nature's Help

    As climate change threatens many countries’ coasts, the Netherlands embarked on an experiment to improve their storm and flood defenses. Called the Zandmotor, this beach project is a nature-based solution to protect the coastline from rising seas and more intense storms. This idea in water protection and coastal management could be helpful in Louisiana where they face similar threats from climate change, but finances and federal laws have proved a challenge.

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  • The Dutch have mastered water for a millennium. Could their new approach save New Orleans?

    As New Orleans and the Louisiana coast become increasingly vulnerable to rising sea levels, the city is looking to the example of the Netherlands in using nature as a tool in coastal preservation. In the Netherlands, the Maeslant storm surge barrier was built 23 years ago with the ability to block out waters to prevent flooding. In recent years, however, the Dutch have adapted: using green roofs, adding trees as an extra defense in front of levees, and looking to nature more and more to protect cities in the age of climate change.

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