Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pig in clover: how the world's smallest wild hog was saved from extinction

    The greyish brown pygmy hog is an endangered species, but a captive breeding program aims to reintroduce more of the animals into the wild in India. The Pygmy Hog Conservation Programme introduces about 12 hogs a year after raising them in captivity for a few months. “The purpose of my life has been bringing back this one species from the brink of extinction,” says one of the project advisers.

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  • How The Military Helped Bring Back The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

    A unique partnership between the U.S. military, conservation groups, private landowners, and state and local governments has allowed the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker to grow in numbers. By working together, they’ve been able to protect the forests near military bases where these birds live. Environmentalists are worried about efforts to remove the birds from the endangered species list, saying their work isn’t over. However, this partnership has become a model for other conservation efforts throughout the United States.

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  • From Reviled to Adored

    Purnima Devi Barman has been building trust and working with various community members to save a stork species called the greater adjutant in India. Because of her work, she has inspired more than 10,000 women and their families to help in bird conservation activities and the number of storks in the region has increased to as many as 1,200. This type of community approach could be used in other places as a model for wildlife conservation efforts.

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  • The Great Kenyan Giraffe Rescue

    The nonprofit group Save Giraffes Now, the Kenya Wildlife Service, the Northern Rangelands Trust, and local community members are working together to save the endangered Rothschild’s giraffe species. Rising lake levels and flooding have stranded the animals on its island, so they made a custom-built steel barge to relocate them to a protected wildlife reserve. It’s not easy to move giraffes, but so far they’ve successfully moved three out of nine of them.

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  • Simple change to fishing gear saves thousands of birds in Namibia

    Tens of thousands of vulnerable bird species have been saved over the last decade thanks to new equipment that has been installed by Namibian fishing boats. By fitting colorful hosepipe to lines towed behind boats, a study has shown that birds are scared away and don’t end up getting tangled in the lines. The material is also fairly cheap to implement, which allowed the solution to be widely implemented.

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  • Experiments in Coexistence

    Conflict prevention specialists for USDA Wildlife Services in southwest Oregon work with livestock producers to deter the local wolf pack from killing livestock. The specialists patrol overnight, making noise so that the wolves know they are there and stay away. They also set up scare boxes and deploy fox lights, which emit random patters of light, to make it seem like there are more people covering larger areas. If inspectors determine livestock was killed by a wolf, the rancher receives compensation. Funding has been secured to deploy conflict prevention specialists in up to 12 additional states.

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  • Here's What It Takes To Keep Colorado River Fish From Going Extinct

    Scientists and environmentalists are working to keep several fish species native to the Colorado River basin from going extinct. Through interventions like fish hatcheries and wetland management, some fish numbers like the ponytail and razorback sucker have rebounded. They’re now looking toward implementing their success at other parts of the river system.

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  • Cross fostering helps Mexican wolf population boost genetic mix

    As the Mexican wolf population neared extinction, the Arizona Game & Fish Department and the Endangered Wolf Center have been placing pups born in captivity in wild dens. This effort, known as cross-fostering, has been successful in not only increasing the number of wolves in the Southwest, but also improving the survival skills of cross-fostered wolves. While the Mexican wolf population hasn’t completely rebounded, more people are understanding the importance that the species has on the ecosystem.

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  • Saving Slovenia's "Human Fish"

    Scientists in Slovenia are working to understand the mysteries of salamanders — known as olms — that live in natural caves and how best to protect this vulnerable species. Industrial pollution infiltrates the water systems where these creatures live, however more research is needed to understand how climate change and humans impact them. Recent efforts with captive breeding and rescue programs have shown success, but more international collaboration and funding are needed to fully understand this unique species.

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  • Powrót wilka

    Współpraca naukowców, organizacji pozarządowych, ekologów i rządu pozwoliła na przywrócenie naturze polskiego wilka, gatunku, który był na granicy wyginięcia. Metody takie, jak lokalizacje GPS i badania genetyczne pomogły politykom podejmować decyzje redukujące konflikty ludzi ze zwierzętami oraz zapewniające zwierzętom siedliska bez presji oddziaływania człowieka. W rezultacie tych działań populacja wilka w Polsce w ciągu ostatnich 50 lat wzrosła 50-krotnie.

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