Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Michigan clerks say pre-processing absentee ballots led to faster results

    After Michigan updated laws surrounding the processing of absentee ballots, local clerks were able to begin opening, verifying, and scanning absentee ballots up to eight days before the state’s August primary, depending on the size of the city or town. In Detroit, election staff were able to report 80% of the absentee ballot results by 10:30 p.m. on election day, as opposed to the next morning, which clerks say helps avoid public concerns about election security.

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  • Five years of Pofma: How has the law been used to combat fake news?

    To combat the spread of mis- and disinformation online, Singapore passed the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act, which allows the government to order that corrections be added to posts containing false information or even block access to certain content. So far, 152 orders have been issued under the act, with most of the flagged content relating to public health, public order, or trust in government functions.

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  • The Answer to Election Deniers Is in an Idaho County Website

    To assuage concerns around election security, Ada County, Ohio created an online tool called Ballot Verifier that allows users to search every ballot cast in the county since 2022. County officials invited local election skeptics to be the first to test the new tool and received positive feedback on its level of transparency.

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  • How a Bipartisan Group Overcame the Odds to Pass the TikTok Divestment Bill

    To drum up bipartisan support for a bill that will require social media app TikTok to divest from the Chinese Communist Party or lose access to American users, legislators involved multiple committees in the process and enlisted the support of the Department of Justice to appeal directly to Democrats. The final version of the bill was attached to legislation providing aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and passed with little opposition.

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  • Cómo han logrado las instituciones canarias rendir cuentas en lugar de ocultarlas

    El Comisionado de Transparencia de Canarias ha conseguido en menos de seis años que la totalidad de sus instituciones públicas (345) y la mayoría de las entidades privadas (2.700) se sometan voluntariamente a su sistema de autoevaluación.

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  • The climate watchdog holding the UK government to account

    Following the passage of the Climate Change Act, the United Kingdom created a Climate Change Committee to oversee the country’s efforts to reach net-zero emissions. The committee acts as a watchdog by analyzing ways to decarbonize the economy and publishing information that can be leveraged by policymakers, non-governmental organizations, and private sector industries. Its model has since been replicated around the world.

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  • Could ranked-choice voting take the poison out of politics?

    After Alaska and Maine implemented ranked-choice voting, which allows citizens to rank candidates in the order of their preference, voters reported feeling more engaged in the process and noticing less extreme rhetoric among politicians running for office. Despite efforts to repeal the system on the basis that it is confusing, about 70 percent of voters ranked more than one candidate on their ballot.

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  • Deep red Utah wants to keep voting by mail

    Utah has universal vote-by-mail, in which every eligible voter receives a ballot in the mail ahead of elections. Even as other Republican-led states have placed more restrictions on voting by mail, Utah legislators have rejected proposed changes, and roughly three-quarters of likely voters in 2024 say they think the process produces “fair outcomes.”

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  • Dairy Digesters Promise to Cut Methane — Unfortunately, They Might Be an Inefficient Band-Aid

    Dairy digesters are oxygen-free systems that break down organic material like manure and turn methane into “biogas,” which can be used to generate electricity or processed into transportation fuel. Once heralded and championed by the California Department of Food and Agriculture as one of the most cost-effective emissions reductions programs, new research shows the real cost is up to 17-times more than what state and industry officials have publicly claimed.

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  • Taiwan Learned You Can't Fight Fake News by Making It Illegal

    Ahead of its 2020 presidential election, Taiwan tried to fight disinformation from Chinese actors in the courts, prosecuting citizens who were paid to disseminate fake news and fining pro-China news stations accused of broadcasting false information. But the tactics proved ineffective and raised concerns around free speech, leading the country to take a different approach during the onset of the pandemic and leading up to its latest election by making accurate information more widely available and bolstering its network of civic fact-checking organizations.

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