Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nurse Suicides: Getting Help Before It's Too Late

    Linking health care workers to mental health counselors helps reduce the risk of suicide. In response to a high rate of suicides among clinicians and students at the University of California San Diego, the school implemented a proactive suicide prevention program. The Healer Education Assessment and Referral (HEAR) program focuses on providing resources and on helping healthcare workers debrief from traumatic experiences at work.

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  • Farm Bill Pilot Program To Address Farmer Mental Health

    In rural farming communities, it's not uncommon for those working in the agricultural industry to struggle with anxiety and depression. Because mental health professionals often aren't readily available in these areas, many turn to online resources such as #AgTwitter. However, a farm bill pilot program that piggybacks off of this type of communication is aiming to fill more of the gaps by strengthening outreach resources.

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  • Pomůžu ti zažít slast

    Sexualita lidí se zdravotním postižením je v Česku tabu. I oni ale mají erotické touhy a potřebují sexuální prožitky. Situaci se v posledních letech snaží měnit spolek Freya, který vzdělává zájemce o práci sexuálních asistentů a asistentek. Ti pak pomáhají lidem s hendikepem cítit se lépe ve vlastním těle. Ukazují jim, jak jim v tom může pomoct sexualita, erotické pomůcky nebo různé typy dotyku. Služba klientům nabízí šanci naplnit základní lidské potřeby a zažít potěšení. Lidé, kteří sexuální asistenci využívají, říkají, že jim pomohla formovat sebevědomí i psychické zdraví.

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  • When people die in the outdoors, help for their loved ones is scarce. The climbing community aims to change that.

    After a string of fatal and near fatal accidents rocked the Colorado climbing community--a community already all too familiar with such accidents--climber Madaleine Sorkin established the Climbing Grief Fund. By connecting struggling climbers with discussion groups, platforms to share their own stories, and funds to access therapy, the Climbing Grief Fund fills a critical gap in the climbing community.

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  • Busting the myth that depression doesn't affect people in poor countries

    Depression and anxiety impact people across socioeconomic levels and geographic boundaries, despite being thought of as mostly isolated to wealthier western regions. Because training mental health professionals can be costly, many countries outside of the west have turned to training lay people in counseling tactics and practices.

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  • “Burnout is real”: The importance of engaging in self-care practices when faced with trauma

    Peer mentoring and other mindfulness practices are being implemented into industries where vicarious trauma or secondary traumatic stress can occur. These self-care practices are intended to help promote resiliency in positions where the employer is oftentimes taking on the stressors of their clients, which in turn impacts their own mental health and overall wellbeing.

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  • How Muslim Americans Are Fighting Mental Health Stigma

    By bringing mental health professionals and religious leaders together, faith communities can “flip the fear” of mental illness. Using grants from the American Psychiatric Association, organizations like Support Embrace Empower Mental Health Advocacy (SEEMA), the Muslim Mental Health Conference, and the Stanford Muslims and Mental Health lab, are all working to remove barriers to mental health treatment. Their initiatives focus on education to overcome stigma and cultural misunderstandings.

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  • How Lakota Horse Culture Is Helping Treat Child Trauma in South Dakota

    Using animals as a form of therapy is not a new concept, but combining this practice with traditional Lakota horse rituals has proven to be a powerful anecdote for treating youth mental trauma in these communities. Treating the donated horses as companions, the youth learn how to care and train the equines all from the mindset of how these animals have played a role in Native American culture and history.

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  • Facing opioid and foster-care crisis, Spokane's Rising Strong seeks to keep families together

    Keeping families together eases the burden on the foster care system and reduces issues such as homelessness and substance abuse in the long term. Former foster children in Spokane, Washington, end up relying heavily upon other social welfare institutions throughout their lives. To break this cycle, Rising Strong, a program funded largely by a philanthropic contribution, focuses on rebuilding families while addressing behavior issues through an intensive, live-in program.

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  • Why robotic pets may be the next big thing in dementia care

    Providing senior citizens with animal-assisted therapy has been known to lessen rates of loneliness while also aiding in brain health by reducing cases as dementia. Because taking care of a living animal is not always a reality, robotic pets may help fill that void by being requiring commitment while still providing companionship.

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