Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Power of Housing

    Housing options for patients dealing with mental illness are bleak in New Mexico. Casa Milagro provides an alternative to the infamous board-and-care homes and offers a sense of community as well as medically trained staff. Residents pay a third of their monthly income in rent and can live there for as long as they want despite a waiting list to secure a spot. The safe and stable housing is supported by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and is a model that experts believe would mitigate the housing crisis, which is especially tough for those battling mental illness.

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  • How a Customized Approach Can Cut Suicide Risk

    Individuals at a high risk of suicide can benefit from targeted, accessible, and client-centered care. As part of a new mental health initiative, the Czech government is funding mental health centers for patients at high risk of suicide. The target prevention includes care teams consisting of psychiatrists, nurses, and social workers, all involved in different aspects of the client’s care.

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  • Každý nepatří do léčebny. Jak péče na míru pomáhá snižovat počet sebevražd

    Lidem, u kterých je vysoké riziko sebevraždy, může pomoct cílená péče na míru. V rámci reformy psychiatrie v Česku vznikají státem financovaná Centra duševního zdraví, která se zaměřují na cílenou, přístupnou a na klienta zaměřenou psychiatrickou a psychologickou péči. Centra zaměstnávají nejen psychiatry a zdravotní sestry, ale též sociální pracovníky, kteří jsou zapojeni do různých aspektů léčby člověka s duševním onemocněním. Klíčový je vztah s klientem, který s lékařem spolupracuje a spolurozhoduje o typu léčby. Služba zatím není v Česku moc známá a pomoc se tak nedostane ke všem, kteří ji potřebují.

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  • Homes to Heal Trafficked Children

    Miami is home to a special type of child welfare program called CHANCE (Citrus Helping Adolescents Negatively Impacted by Commercial Exploitation) that is designed specifically for youth in foster care that have been trafficked. CHANCE has an intensive curriculum that educates foster parents and clinicians about child sex trafficking and child trauma, and families are only allowed to take in one child at a time so that they are prepared for the child's unique health needs. Studies done on the program have found that the youth have significant improvement in many emotional and mental categories.

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  • California Tests a Digital ‘Fire Alarm' for Mental Distress

    In a statewide, multi-business effort, California is working to identify a way to use technology to intervene in mental crises through the use of psychiatric apps. Acting as an early warning system, the piloting of these apps has allowed for collaboration between state officials, the app engineers and the users themselves.

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  • Can You Reshape Your Brain's Response To Pain?

    People who experience trauma in their early childhood are at a higher likelihood of experiencing chronic pain in later years, which often goes untreated. However, emotional awareness and expression therapy, which combines talk therapy with cognitive behavioral therapy, has shown significant success in treating those suffering from this health issue.

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  • Can sleep deprivation help treat bipolar disorder?

    "We exploited the biological clock," is how an Italian psychiatrist describes what he has been testing to treat those suffering from bipolar disorder and depression. The approach, which has received both praise and criticism, requires patients to go through sleep deprivation, and so far, many are reporting successful outcomes from it.

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  • Let Me Help You Find Bliss

    There are many things to consider when it comes to the quality of life and psychological needs of people living with disabilities, but one need rarely remembered is their sexuality. A Czech organization called Freya trains people to be sexual assistants who work with people with a range of abilities to learn how to become more comfortable with their own bodies and sexuality and physical tactics to help them do so. The service offers them a chance to experience basic human pleasures, and many testify to how much it has shaped their self-esteem and psychological health.

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  • In Utah, veterans are more vulnerable to suicide. One program hopes connecting veterans with each other will help save lives.

    Across the United States, veterans are at a greater risk for suicide than the average civilian, but in Utah, this problem is elevated even further. Although researchers are unsure of the reasons for this, programs in the state aim to combat the issue by bringing veterans together.

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  • How the Mental Health Community Is Bracing for the Impact of Climate Change

    Climate change is impacting not just the environment but the way in which humans are able to exist within the altered landscape. As ecosystems shift, storms worsen and loss of homes continues to rise, the mental health industry is looking towards changing traditional practices in order to account for clients presenting with "eco-anxiety and climate grief."

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