Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Taking the classroom outside: How nature is teaching valuable lessons in Uganda

    The residents of Kikandwa, Uganda, came together to create the Kikandwa Environmental Association to implement nature-based solutions in their community. The solutions are combatting climate change and generating more income than options with a negative environmental impact. For example, many people traded cutting trees to make charcoal for selling seedlings at the local tree nursery.

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  • In Rural Western Uganda, A Tree-Planting Initiative Shows Signs of Life

    Ecosia, a nonprofit search engine that uses its profits to support tree-planting initiatives, is working with the Jane Goodall Institute Austria to grow 200,000 trees in Uganda. The organizations work with communities to design the projects around their needs and then support locals through the process of growing trees.

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  • How to Revive a Burned Forest? Rebuild the Tree Supply Chain

    Mast Reforestation sells carbon credits to fund its work replanting trees where forests were decimated by wildfires. The company collects seeds from local, native trees, uses x-ray machines to ensure they are likely to sprout, and plants them.

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  • Emprenden soluciones no gubernamentales para mitigar la erosión costera

    Para proteger y restaurar las barreras naturales, el Gobierno de Puerto Rico ha aprobado legislación, asignado fondos y desarrollado programas para apoyar manglares, arrecifes de coral y dunas.

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  • Piplantri, ce village d'Inde qui plante des arbres pour envoyer ses filles à l'école

    Quand une fille est naît dans le village de Piplantri, les habitants plantent 111 arbres et déposent de l’argent sur un compte bancaire qui ne peut pas être touché jusqu’à ce qu’elle a ses 18 ans, lorsqu’il peut être utilisé pour ses études ou pour payer les frais de mariage, mais seulement si elle reste à l’école jusque-là. Le programme a permis de créer des emplois à l’école et dans l’entretien de la nouvelle forêt. Aucune des filles nées depuis le début de l’initiative n’a été forcée de se marier au détriment de son éducation, et le village a planté plus de 500 000 arbres.

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  • One of Europe's Most Endangered Birds Is Bouncing Back

    For two decades, the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds has restored native trees on ​​São Miguel Island to increase the food and nesting habitat available for the Azores bullfinch. As a result, the population of the bird increased enough to be downlisted from critically endangered to vulnerable.

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  • Planter des arbres, le risque du "greenwashing"

    L’idée des crédits carbone forestiers est que les entreprises financent des projets axés sur la conservation et la reforestation afin de compenser leurs émissions de CO2. Mais en réalité, il y a peu de preuves que ces projets ont un impact, avec moins de 10 % des initiatives examinées dans une étude qui empêchent réellement la déforestation.

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  • Nursing oil palm plantations back to nature in Malaysian Borneo

    In October 2020, the Rhino and Forest Fund in Malaysian Borneo began to buy land once cleared for oil palm plantations, and reforests and rehabilitates the tracts into wildlife corridors. After replanting 40 tree species in the last 3 years, an increase in several threatened species has been documented traveling through the project sites.

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  • New Tree Tech: Cutting-edge drones give reforestation a helping hand

    Using drones to drop seeds is becoming a valid option to increase the scale and efficiency of tree-planting projects, especially in locations that are difficult for humans to reach. Seattle-based Mast Reforestation drops seeds in fire-ravaged areas with massive, custom-designed drones, and Australia’s AirSeed Technologies does so with a team of drones that don’t need human supervisors.

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  • Seeds of hope: the charity helping to replant Peru's rainforest

    Plant Your Future is working with Peruvian farmers to reforest the Amazon rainforest by helping them earn an income while growing trees instead of doing so by cutting trees down. The charity does outreach, teaches farmers about agroforestry, intercropping, and the carbon market, and then supports them throughout the transition to those practices.

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